WHY LOOK FOR ROSE SKIN® FACIAL CLEANSER WHEN CHOOSING A CLEANSER? Skin-care experts say a good cleanser should be water-soluble, meaning it will rinse off easily without leaving the skin feeling greasy, which clogs pores. It shouldn’t dry or irritate the skin or burn the eyes. Your skin should feel clean with fewer breakouts, and makeup should be removed, including around the eyes. “THE BASICS NEEDED FOR A GOOD SKIN CARE ROUTINE” ROSE SKIN® cleansers are designed to not only cleanse your skin but a good cleanser ensures that your skin is not ‘stripped’ as natural oil (sebum) is essential in the moisture level of your skin. Irregular cleansing, or using the wrong product for your skin type can in fact lead to a lot of problems such as spots, blackheads, erratic oily shine just to name a few. It maintains your skin’s purity it also gives you confidence knowing you are looking after your skin. Top Tips: |